Our Worship

Here are the links to join our upcoming Services

Sung Eucharist Services

We go 'live' about 5 minutes before the advertised Service time

Please note some services are not recorded



Sunday 30th June - 5th Sunday after Trinity

10am Sung Eucharist

Please click here to join us in our morning worship

No Evening Service



Sunday 7th July - 6th Sunday after Trinity

10am Sung Eucharist

Please click here to join us in our morning worship

No Evening Service




Sunday 14th July - 7th Sunday after Trinity / Sea Sunday

10am Sung Eucharist

with visiting preacher - Amanda Wisher (Fisherman's Mission)

Please click here to join us in our morning worship

12pm Baptism

Holy Communion at 6pm





Sunday 21st July - Patronal Festival

10am Sung Eucharist with Confirmation

with The Bishop of Thetford

Please click here to join us in our morning worship

Choral Evensong at 6pm






Sunday 28th July - 9th Sunday after Trinity

10am Sung Eucharist

Please click here to join us in our morning worship

11.45am Baptism

Sung Evensong at 6pm




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